MATA Mission Statement
The Mid-Atlantic Trager Association (MATA) is an organization serving as a vehicle in fostering a deeper connection among the Trager Community within the Mid-Atlantic region.
Our goals are to:
Lend support to local Trager practitioners in promoting a successful practice
To inspire each other as well as students pursuing the Trager training track
To expand awareness of the Trager principles to the general public through promotion, marketing and education
To provide quality time for trades and discussions of client issues, and case studies
We hold forth a commitment to consciously conduct all MATA business in a manner which is consistent with Trager Principles.
In alignment with Dr. Trager's highest aspirations, we seek to deepen our connection with the medical and general community and to continue to develop and increase the effectiveness of our service to the community and to humanity as a whole. The Website Policy of the Mid-Atlantic Trager Association spells out what content can appear on this website.
Join as Friend of MATA
Former Practitioners, Students, Clients, Spouses…anyone interested in this TRAGER Community can now receive our newsletter and access to our outstanding website: www.tragermata.com.
Find out about events like our Free TRAGER Trade Day open to former Practitioners & Students
Supervised Practice days
The MATA Retreats open to former students & practitioners
Where you can get your tutorial or a private session
For the low price of $19.00 per year, interested persons can join as a “Friend of MATA”.
Or if you prefer, feel free to call any MATA Board member.
Upon receipt of your registration you will receive the MATA Newsletter and use of www.tragermata.com
Thank you for your interest in the Mid Atlantic Trager Association.
Please make your $19.00 check or money order payable to MATA and SEND TO:
MATA Treasurer
Carolyn Gentile-Ford
71 Magnolia Ave.
Bridgeton, NJ 08302